The Complete Works of Rudolf Steiner: Volume 333
Gedankenfreiheit und soziale Kräfte
Freedom of Thought and Social Forces
Section of the Complete Works: Lectures on the Social Life and the Threefolding of the Social Organism
First German Edition published 1971.
Notes about the German versions of this volume:
First edition in this arrangement, 1971. Reprinted 1985. Prior publication in periodicals: three lectures in 1925/26 and three in 1968/69. Text sources: Ulm lectures: Hedda Hummel. Berlin lectures: Walther Vegelahn. The stenographer for the Stuttgart lectures in unknown. Only the stenorgraphic reconstructions are extant; the original stenograms have all been lost (except for the first half of the first Ulm lecture).
Lectures in this volume: 6
1919-05-26 Ulm
1919-05-26 Ulm
1919-07-22 Ulm
1919-09-15 Berlin
1919-12-19 Stuttgart
1919-12-27 Stuttgart
1919-12-30 Stuttgart
English Complete Works Version: This volume is available in an English Complete Works edition:
Freedom of Thought and Societal Forces
Implementing the Demands of Modern Society: 6 lectures, various cities, May 26-Dec. 30, 1919 (CW 333)
Paperback, 248 pages. Published 2008 by SteinerBooks.
Notes on this edition: Introduction by Christopher Bamford, Translated by Catherine E. Creeger
English Non-Complete Works Full Versions: No English translations exist that included this volume in its entirety.
Other English publishing history: Sections available
Sections of this German volume may have been published in English, either as stand-alone books, one-lecture pamphlets, or as part of a compilation. If there are any volumes listed below, then they have some percentage of this Complete Works volume in them. The amount could be as little as a part of one lecture (in a compilation), a single lecture or essay as a pamphlet. Or it could be a book that contains as much as 90% of the material in the source Complete Works German volume.
The Problems of Our Time
Hard Cover, 142 pages. Published 1935 by Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co..
Notes on this edition: First edition 1935. Reprinted 1943. Contains lectures 6, 7 and 8 from CW 193 (which contains 10 lectures given in different cities) and lecture 3 from CW 333 (which contains 6 lectures given in different cities). Lectures of September 12-15, 1919.
New Aspects of the Social Question
Pamphlet, 46 pages. Published 1923 by Rudolf Steiner Publishing Co..
Notes on this edition: Undated. Appears to be 1920s. Lecture of September 15, 1919.