The Complete Works of Rudolf Steiner: Volume 217
Geistige Wirkenskräfte im Zusamenleben von alter und junger Gereration. Pädagogischer Jugendkurs.
Spiritually Active Forces in the Coexistence of the Older and Younger Generations. Pedagogical Course for Youth
Section of the Complete Works: Private Lectures to the Members of the Anthroposophical Society
First German Edition published 1953.
Notes about the German versions of this volume:
There was no offical stenographer at these lectures. The audiece was about 100 young people aged 18-25. Presumably their notes were the source of the intital texts. The 1st edition was an undated private printing from late 1925. It had numerous typos and many sections did not parse in a comprehensible manner. It was followed very quickly by a second private printing issued by the Youth Section at the Goetheanum in numbered copies. The second edition was presumably improved based on supplamentary notes that are no longer extant. The second edition was edited by Marie Steiner in 1947 for a reprint, and that version was the basis for the first public release, currently considered the 3rd edition, in 1953. That version was reprinted 1964, 1979, and 1988.
Lectures in this volume: 13
1922-10-03 Stuttgart
1922-10-04 Stuttgart
1922-10-05 Stuttgart
1922-10-06 Stuttgart
1922-10-07 Stuttgart
1922-10-08 Stuttgart
1922-10-09 Stuttgart
1922-10-10 Stuttgart
1922-10-11 Stuttgart
1922-10-12 Stuttgart
1922-10-13 Stuttgart
1922-10-14 Stuttgart
1922-10-15 Stuttgart
English Complete Works Version: This volume is available in an English Complete Works edition:
Becoming the Archangel Michael's Companions
Rudolf Steiner's Challenge to the Younger Generation
Paperback, 240 pages. Published 2007 by SteinerBooks.
Notes on this edition: Translated by René M. Querido. Introduction by Christopher Bamford.
English Non-Complete Works Full Versions: No English translations exist that included this volume in its entirety.
Other English publishing history: No sections of this volume have been published in English.
No sections of this book have been published separately in English outside of the volumes listed above (if any).