The Complete Works of Rudolf Steiner: Volume 202
Der Mensch in Zusammenhang mit dem Kosmos 2: Die Brücke zwischen der Weltgeistigkeit und dem Physischen des Menschen. Die Suche nach der neuen Isis, der göttlichen Sophia
The Human Being in Relationship with the Cosmos 2: The Bridge between the World-Spirituality and the Physical Aspect off the Human Being. The Search for a New Isis, the Divine Sophia.
Section of the Complete Works: Private Lectures to the Members of the Anthroposophical Society
First German Edition published 1970.
Notes about the German versions of this volume:
1st edition in this arrangement 1970. Second revised edition 1980. Reprinted 1985 and 1993. Lectures previously published in ones, twos, and threes in 1930, 1936, 1942, and 1952 as individual books. Other lectures published 1931, 1933, 1939, and 1956 in periodicals. Most lectures professionally stenographically recorded by Helene Finckh, the first versions were printed from her initial typed reconstruction. The 2nd edition was revised by comparing select passages to the first edition to the original stenogram. Two lectures stenographically recorded by Karl Day, for which only the initial reconstruction survives.
Lectures in this volume: 16
1920-11-26 Dornach
1920-11-27 Dornach
1920-11-28 Dornach
1920-12-04 Dornach
1920-12-05 Dornach
1920-12-10 Dornach
1920-12-11 Dornach
1920-12-12 Dornach
1920-12-14 Bern
1920-12-17 Dornach
1920-12-18 Dornach
1920-12-19 Dornach
1920-12-23 Basel
1920-12-24 Dornach
1920-12-25 Dornach
1920-12-26 Dornach
English Complete Works Version: This volume is available in an English Complete Works edition:
Universal Spirituality and Human Physicality
Bridging the Divide: The Search for the New Isis and the Divine Sophia
Paperback, 280 pages. Published 2014 by Rudolf Steiner Press.
Notes on this edition: Translated by Matthew Barton.
English Non-Complete Works Full Versions: No English translations exist that included this volume in its entirety.
Other English publishing history: Sections available
Sections of this German volume may have been published in English, either as stand-alone books, one-lecture pamphlets, or as part of a compilation. If there are any volumes listed below, then they have some percentage of this Complete Works volume in them. The amount could be as little as a part of one lecture (in a compilation), a single lecture or essay as a pamphlet. Or it could be a book that contains as much as 90% of the material in the source Complete Works German volume.
Introductory Reader, An
Paperback, 222 pages. Published 2003 by Sophia Books.
Notes on this edition: Compiled and introduced by Andrew Maendl. Extracts from GA's 2, 57, 58, 202, 205, 218, 221, 312, 316, 317 and 319
The Goddess
From Natura to the Divine Sophia
Paperback, 96 pages. Published 2001 by Sophia Books.
Notes on this edition: Collection of lectures on the divine feminie. Excerpts from lectures (not complete lectures)
Ancient Myths and the New Isis Mystery
Paperback, 180 pages. Published 1994 by Anthroposophic Press.
Notes on this edition: Lecture of 12/24/1920
Search for the New Isis the Divine Sophia
Paperback, 58 pages. Published 1983 by Mercury Press.
Notes on this edition:
The Bridge between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitutio of Man
Freedom and Love: Their Significance in World Evolution
Paperback, 64 pages. Published 1958 by Steiner Book Centre.
Notes on this edition: 1979 reprint of the 1958 text. Translation by Dorothy S. Osmond. Lectures of December 17, 18, and 19, 1920.
The Bridge between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitutio of Man
Freedom and Love: Their Significance in World Evolution
Paperback, 64 pages. Published 1958 by Anthroposophic Press.
Notes on this edition: Translation by Dorothy S. Osmond. Lectures of December 17, 18, and 19, 1920.