The Complete Works of Rudolf Steiner: Volume 165
Die geistige Vereinigung der Menschheit durch den Christus-Impuls
The Spiritual Unification of Humanity through the Christ-Impulse
Section of the Complete Works: Private Lectures to the Members of the Anthroposophical Society
First German Edition published 1968.
Notes about the German versions of this volume:
1st edition in this form 1968. 2nd revised edition 1981. 3rd revised edition published 2006. Based on the stenographic reconstruction of Helene Finckh, who would later become one of Steiner's official stenographers. Thes lectures are among the first she recorded while still in an unofficial capacity, and they show number of deficiencies. The 1981 edition compared the text of the first edition (which was based on the first reconstruction) with the original stenogram, and also with some supplamentary notes from additional sources. Several of the lectures in this volume have been published individually as pamphlets going back as far as 1916.
Lectures in this volume: 13
1915-12-19 Berlin
1915-12-26 Dornach
1915-12-27 Dornach
1915-12-28 Basel
1915-12-28 Dornach
1915-12-31 Dornach
1916-01-01 Dornach
1916-01-02 Dornach
1916-01-06 Dornach
1916-01-07 Dornach
1916-01-09 Bern
1916-01-15 Dornach
1916-01-16 Dornach
English Complete Works Version: This volume is available in an English Complete Works edition:
Unifying Humanity Spiritually
Through the Christ Impulse
Paperback, 256 pages. Published 2014 by Rudolf Steiner Press.
Notes on this edition: Translated by Christian von Arnim
English Non-Complete Works Full Versions: No English translations exist that included this volume in its entirety.
Other English publishing history: Sections available
Sections of this German volume may have been published in English, either as stand-alone books, one-lecture pamphlets, or as part of a compilation. If there are any volumes listed below, then they have some percentage of this Complete Works volume in them. The amount could be as little as a part of one lecture (in a compilation), a single lecture or essay as a pamphlet. Or it could be a book that contains as much as 90% of the material in the source Complete Works German volume.
The Universal Human
4 lectures Munich, Bern
Hard Cover, 96 pages. Published 1990 by Anthroposophic Press.
Notes on this edition: From GA 117, 124 and 165, edited by Christopher Bamford and Sabine Seiler.
The Christmas Thought and the Mystery of the Ego
The Tree of the Cross and the Glden Legend; The Origin of the Christmas Plays : 1 lecture Berlin
Pamphlet, 30 pages. Published 1986 by Mercury Press.
Notes on this edition: Lecture of December 19, 1915.