The Complete Works of Rudolf Steiner
Starting in 1961 Rudolf Steiner's Estate (the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung) began the work of systematically organizing and publishing everything Steiner ever did for which any records exist. They called the effort the Gesamtausgabe - the Complete Works. Every existing book was given an index number, and the numbering system left room for all the things yet to be published. Over time all the then-extant works were reissued in Complete Works versions, and every year new volumes based on archival material were added to the set. The work continues; six new volumes are scheduled for release in 2022. The goal is to have the everything in the archive published by 2025.
Starting in 2006 the two major publishers of Rudolf Steiner's work in English (Rudolf Steiner Press in the UK and SteinerBooks in the US) collaboratively began the work of issuing an English Complete Works edition that would match the German Gesamtausgabe volume for volume. To date about 100 volumes have been completed, out of an estimated 400. In 2021 Aelzina Books joined the effort.
The Complete Works numbering begins with volume 1 and runs to 354. The works are arranged by type and theme, as detailed below. Along the way some numbers got skipped. And increasingly it happened that there ended up being more than one book's worth of material for an assigned number, resulting in some numbers having a and b versions (such as 70a and 70b, or Roman numeral sub-versions, such as 266/I, 266/II). This makes numbering them in a database a bit of a challenge (but don't worry, we figured it out). It also explains why there are nearly 400 volumes in a set where the numbers only go up to 354.
Reviewing the Complete Works German publishing history is also helpful in understanding the history of the Anthroposophical movement. Today everything available to us tends to exist in a sort of eternal state of being, and we assume that if a lecture was held in 1904, anthroposophists in 1906, 1916, 1930, and 1950 must have been able to be fully aware of it. But some of those 1904 lectures weren't published until 1976, or even 2021! So you can literally chart the growth of "anthroposophy" by the date on which the material became publicly available, a process with is still ongoing even today.
With the links below you can peruse the Complete Works by volume, year of first publication, topic, or as a whole. Which volumes exist in English is also noted. With our handy English Publishing History tool you can also find out about non-Complete Works versions of books and lectures in English where available.
Explore the Complete Works of Rudolf Steiner
The Complete Works by Type:
- The Written Works: Books
- The Written Works: Collected Early Essays
- The Written Works: Collected Anthroposophical Essays
- The Written Works: Posthumous Releases from the Archive
- Public Lectures Before Anthroposophy
- Public Lectures in Berlin on Anthroposophical Topics
- Public Lectures on Anthroposophical Topics in other Cities
- Members-Only Lectures on Esoteric Subjects
- Writings and Lectures on the Development of the Anthroposophical Movement
- Lectures on Art
- Lectures on Education
- Lectures on Medicine
- Lectures on Natural Science
- Lecturs on Social Threefolding
- Lectures to Priests of the Christian Community
- Lectures to Construction Workers
- Artistic Works
- Expansion Volumes
See whole Complete Works:
- As a list by number
- As a Covers Gallery
- Only the English CW Volumes (as a List)
- The Complete Works by German date of First Publication
- The English Complete Works Volumes by date of first publication
Important Sections of the Complete Works: